Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Tokyo!!

I know it's been a couple months since I updated, but, I'm on Spring Break right now and have a lot of free time on my hands. Wow, so I have a LOT to talk about. I'll start with my trip to Sapporo.

I decided to spend 2 weeks there, and during one week of my travels was the Yuki Matsuri (Snow Festival). It's held during one week in February and it is VERY famous. People from all over the world come to Sapporo to see the festival. And the main attractions are the snow/ice sculptures. They are SO magnificent! Here are some of this year's sculptures!

Here is a collaboration of One Piece and Toriko
A whimsical undersea adventure!
 A castle based off of Tsuruga Castle
 This is a local sculpture. It was built by the hostel I was staying at. And I helped build it! :D This is of the Sapporo TV Tower and other mascots of Sapporo.
 From the Sapporo TV Tower, you can see the whole park where the sculptures are located!

I loved it there! I want to go back soon, but this time, with friends. And maybe just a week. Haha. But now I'm in Tokyo. I'll be spending about a month here, so I think I should be able to see/do everything I want to. It's impossible to get bored in Tokyo. There are so many things to do! But there have been days where I just want to stay in my room and enjoy a good book :) Can't always be out and about (or at least that is what my feet tell me).

I'll post more pictures soon (in the next couple of days, I SWEAR!). I'll especially make a post if my special Giga Pudding hunt day goes well. (Because it's so hard to find!!)

Well, I'll be back soon! Later!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I totally forgot to update!! I'm so sorry!! Thanks to Kelly for reminding me! :)

It's been about three months since I've updated, huh? Wow! Well, what's happened so far? Umm...let me think....recently I went to Nagano for Winter Break with my friend Aki. We went snowboarding (she skied) for two day and that was A LOT of fun! It was nice to snowboard again. :3 After that, I spent the rest of my vacation (about 7 days left) in Osaka. I mostly did homework though. >.< I've never had that much homework to do in my life. But I survived.

As for what's going on now, it's finals week here at KC and I am running like a chicken with its head cut off. Seriously. I had my kanji test today....and failed it. 46%. D: Luckily, my teacher is nice enough and wants me to pass her class, so she told me to write a report that uses all the kanji from the test, and writing all the kanji I missed 5 times each. I have to turn it to her office by Monday. Looks like I'll be a busy bee this weekend.

What am I doing right now? I am studying for my composition quiz. I have to write about 3 different topics. The first one is about a present I received. I wanted to talk about the stuffed moose Kelly gave to me before I left for Japan (and I brought him with me). The second topic is about my opinion/comparison of Japanese fashion to American fashion. The last topic is about my favorite book, which is The Sword of Shannara. I have lots of writing to do tomorrow!!!

After all of my work is done, it's time for me to start packing for my spring break trip! I get two months off from school, so I am going to travel all over Japan. First, I'm going to Sapporo for two weeks for the Snow Festival. After that, I'll spend a month in Tokyo. Then, I'll be back in Nagano again, but this time I'm going to see the snow monkeys. Then, I'll go to Toyama overnight to see my friend Lisa before she returns to the US. After that, I'll go to Nagoya for a few days, then go to Kyoto for a week, and then another week in Hiroshima. Seven places in total! @~@ So much to do and see! But I can't wait. It'll suck having to come back to school in April, but I look forward to May when the UW students will come. That means I'll be able to see Liz, Ashley, Josh, and all the others.

Spring semester will be a busy, but hopefully fun and exciting. It'll probably go by so fast and before I know it, I'll have to go back to the US :( I hope I can graduate in May and stay in Japan till August. I really want to focus on studying Japanese next semester. So, I guess I better send in the anticipated graduation date form to the UW Registrar's office. >.<

I'll try my best to update as much as I can over spring break. I'll be sure to write a note and place it in my note book (which I look at every day). I'm sure I'll write more often :)

Later everyone!